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Friday 25 January 2013


In anticipation of Winterlude I wanted to do a post about how to make beaver tails. I began the project with a recipe in mind but then I thought of how much more fun it would be if I simplified things so my daughter could make them with me. And so we invented "The Pillsbury Beaver Tail" I'll include the original recipe I tried in the post but I actually enjoyed the Pillsbury beaver tail much more.

The Pillsbury Beaver Tail

It doesn't get any simpler then this, and that is way it was so much fun to make with my 4yr old daughter.

1 Pkg Pillsbury Country Biscuits
 vegetable oil (for frying)
1/2 Cup sugar
1 tbs cinnamon

1) Buy some Pillsbury country biscuits.
2) Heat up about 1/2" of oil in a pan and mix cinnamon and sugar in small bowl.
3) Take all 10 dough circle out of the package and using a rolling pin, flatten them as thin as possible into a beaver tail (oval).
4)  Place dough in oil two at a time turning once. They only require a few seconds per side to cook or until golden brown so keep a close eye on them.
5)Remove from oil and place on paper towel.
6) Sprinkle both sides with cinnamon and sugar mixture and enjoy!

 Cinnamon and sugar is a wonderful way to enjoy a beaver tail but some other toppings you might enjoy are:
 Maple butter

                                            Scratch Beaver Tail       -       Pillsbury Beaver Tail      

Here is the recipe I used to make the first beaver tail from scratch.


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